Processing Hazardous Waste. Safely.

Lauyans & Company has a long-standing customer in the Medical Waste business. They have facilities across the United States.

The materials come packaged in red, plastic bags that most of us see in medical waste containers in our physicians’ offices and at the hospital. The bags are filled with used dressings, bandages, scrubs, gloves, masks, and other refuse from normal, daily medical routines. Workers at the facilities need to be protected. Landfills can only accept safe, bio-hazard free waste. Processing this medical waste requires a custom material handling system by Lauyans & Company.

Here is how it works. As the materials come to our customer, the waste is placed in large metal bins, “autoclaved” to sanitize it with high-pressure steam and then land-filled. Lauyans & Company provides the engineered to order conveyor system to move the waste in bins from the collection point at the facility to pick-up by a vehicle that will transport the waste to a landfill.

First, an empty bin is loaded on the in-bound, chain conveyor. It is conveyed to the fill position and loaded from the truck that picks up the waste at the medical facility. When full, the container is moved by multi strand chain conveyor to a standby position while another empty container is moved into place. The filling operation continues with the next truck load. The full container can be conveyed to the system leading to the autoclave for sanitation. An empty container is brought in.

Look at this unusual design from Lauyans & Company. The initial issues Lauyans & Company had to deal with were bins with bottom panels that are often deformed, bowed or bent by routine operation. Transporting these on a chain driven live roller (CDLR) conveyor would have been problematic due to the inconsistent nature of the dumpster bottom surface.

Lauyans & Company elected to use a custom conveyor system that, unusually, uses multi-strand chain conveyors to transport the bins and to transfer them from one part of the process to the next.

Look closely. You won’t see this design often.

Lauyans & Company draws upon years of experience with many custom material handling systems to match the exact needs required by our customers’ specific situations.