Handling, Transporting and Storing Radioactive Nuclear Waste

The process of handling, transporting and storing radioactive nuclear waste is highly specialized. Companies that work in these processes face environments that cannot be safely accessed by people without special equipment. Lauyans provides material handling equipment that is engineered to protect people in these situations. Here is an example. A large facility in Idaho was … Continued

Automated System for Frozen Chickens

One of our customers asked us to provide the material handling solutions to this demanding situation. A large national processor of chicken and chicken products had a regional plant that was too small and required the movement by hand of the packaged chicken and pieces. The plant was not able to keep up with demand … Continued

Our new website is live!

Lauyans & Company is pleased to announce the release of its new website at: wmkelley.com By launching this latest version of our website, we are striving to present a concise and thorough presentation of the company’s product and service solutions. We encourage you to spend some time navigating the site, and to contact us with … Continued