Heavy Duty Dumper
For more than 25 years, Lauyans & Co. has served a customer in the Bio-Medical Waste business. Some years ago, this customer presented us with a request. They wanted dumpers that lasted longer in the harsh environment of their operations. A previous supplier had provided dumpers to handle large bins. The units did not survive … Continued
Heavy Duty Conveyors – Meeting Every Challenge
When applications require heavy-duty conveyor systems designed to perform under demanding conditions, Lauyans & Company rises to the challenge. Our thirty years of experience developing material handling solutions includes heavy-duty conveyors engineered to accommodate unusual load specifications and harsh environments. Our heavy-duty conveyors are designed to not only deliver consistent and reliable performance, but also … Continued
Overhead Gantry Pick & Place System
Problem: A high profile medical waste disposal company was in need of an effective method for transferring heavy containers of waste material from a conveyor to an incinerator. Since the waste needed to be moved at a rate of one bin every three minutes, a full-time employee would have been required to manage the task. … Continued
Special Applications – Transporting 2,000°F. Axle Blanks
There are a number of companies that produce standard conveyor by the mile. Products handled in these projects are usually of similar size, shape and weight. The environment is easily accessible; typically not too warm nor too cold. No environmental issues such as bacteria, radiation, dripping fluids or corrosives. Lauyans & Company’s ability to provide … Continued
For Special Applications – Transporter 2007™
Lauyans & Company, Inc. has developed many types of Special Application material handling equipment over the years. Our equipment is often selected because it will be used in extreme temperatures, high humidity or hostile environments that include nuclear and medical waste. Some of the most crucial equipment is needed for Automatic Storage & Retrieval Systems … Continued
New Lauyans & Company Websites
New Lauyans & Company Websites Feature Expanded Information and Ease of Navigation Summary: The newly launched Lauyans & Company websites include in-depth information on conveyor systems, custom material handling, automated vertical storage and permanent magnet solutions. The new website features a complete overview of the products and services offered by Lauyans & Company, including images, … Continued
Four Smart Solutions for Productivity
Lauyans & Company is proud to announce a completely redesigned website! Our effort has been to provide you with an easy way to quickly understand the solutions Lauyans & Company can offer to meet a host of material handling requirements. We believe they will tie into situations your company faces. Click here to visit our … Continued
Innovative Engineering Solutions
Lauyans & Company, Inc. was formed in March of 1986 and is known throughout the material handling industry for its strength in providing innovative solutions in material handling. We use creative engineering along with advanced product technology to create solutions that solve industry’s needs. Unlike many of our competitors, we are not producing only standard … Continued
Synchronous Conveyor Line for Fork Lift Mast Production
Here is a case study of another successful project by Lauyans & Company. Please enjoy. Scenario – A manufacturer of high quality fork trucks approached Lauyans & Company with a logistics problem. They needed to increase production to accommodate pending orders and wanted to automate a production area that up to that point had been … Continued
ASRS Load Handling & Squaring Devices For Grocery Warehousing Operation
One of our good customers is a very large, independent grocery warehousing operation. They came to us with the need for a way to smooth the throughput of incoming palletized grocery goods to the Automated Storage & Retrieval System (ASRS). Then they wanted to pull those goods as needed out of the ASRS and load … Continued